Andrew Schulte
Resource Management
On Friday 24 September 2021 the Waimakariri District Council (Council) notified its Proposed District Plan (WPDP). [https://www.waimakariri.govt.n...]
This WPDP is the product of a lengthy review process that commenced in 2016 and will replace the current (or operative) District Plan once submissions and further submissions have been received and decided on, and any appeals have been resolved.
While that process is underway, the current District Plan remains in force.
However, some provisions in the WPDP will have immediate legal effect, meaning that while they remain subject to submissions and could change, until any such decision is made, they will be treated as having legal effect and given weight in any consenting decisions. These include provisions affecting:
Of some note, the Council applied to the Environment Court for the minimum lot size in the proposed general rural zone (20ha) to take immediate effect. Primarily this was done to prevent what is sometimes termed a “gold-rush” of applications to subdivide to the operative/current minimum of 4ha. It is understood that any new applications applying that standard would be non-complying activities.
If you are affected by these, or any other, aspects of the WPDP and would like to make a submission, please contact Cavell Leitch’s Resource Management Team who can assist you in addressing your issues.