Areas of expertise


The New Zealand government has announced a further exemption to the border closure for 'other essential workers'.


This process will be implemented, from 18 June 2020 with the below criteria.

Short term roles (less than six months)

The worker must have a unique and technical or specialist skill that is not obtainable in New Zealand, or they must be involved in one of the following:

  • A major infrastructure project.
  • An event of national or regional importance.
  • A government approved programme, or a government-to-government agreement.
  • Something that will have a significant benefit to the national or regional economy.

The role must also be time critical. For example, if the worker is involved in a major infrastructure project, it must be shown that the infrastructure project would be severely impacted by their absence.

Long term roles (more than six months)

The worker must meet one of the two short-term worker criteria. They must also:

  • Earn twice the median salary (approximately $106,000); or
  • Have a role that is essential for the completion of a government-funded science program, the delivery or execution of a government approved event, or a role in a programme that is of major significance to New Zealand, such as the America's Cup.

An individual applying under this category may also request approval for their partner and dependent children to come to New Zealand with them.

Strict quarantine rules remain for anyone coming into New Zealand. The worker and their family must secure a place in managed isolation or quarantine for 14 days, and the worker or their employer must cover the costs.

Our advice

Applications under the 'other essential workers' category will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and while it is a step closer to more relaxed border rules, the threshold remains very high.

Our experts

If you, or your employee may be eligible under the 'other essential workers' category, we recommend getting in touch for an assessment today.

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